Tissue engineering scaffold materials refer to materials that can be combined with living tissue cells and can be implanted into different tissues of the organism and can replace the functions of the tissue according to specific conditions. In order to make seed cells proliferate and differentiate, it is necessary to provide a cell scaffold composed of biological materials, and the scaffold material is equivalent to an artificial extracellular matrix. Tissue engineering scaffold materials include bone, cartilage, blood vessels, nerves, skin, and artificial organs, such as tissue scaffold materials for the liver, spleen, kidney, bladder, etc.

Tissue engineering scaffold customization

Valve tissue engineering

Valve tissue engineering materials prepared from biodegradable polymer materials: have good biocompatibility and a certain biodegradation rate, and the degraded products are non-toxic to cells and will not cause inflammatory responses; it has a three-dimensional porous structure, It also contains growth factors that can be released in a controlled manner, which is beneficial to cell adhesion and growth; it has plasticity and certain mechanical strength, tendon tissue engineering.

This product is a tendon tissue engineering material prepared from biodegradable polymer materials. It has good biocompatibility, processability, open pore structure, and certain mechanical properties, including strength and flexibility.

  • High mechanical strength and toughness, different degradation rates can be provided on demand;
  • Has adjustable porosity and pore size for easy cell growth;
  • Customizable multi-layer gradient structure, biomimetic natural tendon tissue energy;
    Adjustable surface charge to optimize material physicochemical properties;
    Controllable micro-nano structure orientation to promote cell directional growth;
  • It can load a variety of growth factors, chemical drugs, and electroactive components to simulate the microenvironment of cell growth;

Skin tissue engineering

This product is a biomaterial prepared from biodegradable polymer materials and can be used in skin tissue engineering: it has good mechanical properties, hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, and biocompatibility; The porosity can be adapted to the environmental requirements during cell growth, proliferation, and division.

  • A variety of material options to provide different degradation rates, mechanical strength, and toughness on demand;
  • Has adjustable porosity and pore size for easy cell growth;
  • Customizable multi-layer gradient structure, biomimetic natural skin tissue structure;
    Adjustable surface charge of artificial skin to optimize physical and chemical properties;
    Controllable surface micro-nano structure to meet the needs of cell growth;
    Adjustable material morphology, mechanical strength, toughness, adhesion;
  • It can load a variety of growth factors, chemical drugs, and electroactive components to simulate the microenvironment of cell growth.

Vascular tissue engineering

This product is a scaffold material for vascular tissue engineering prepared from biodegradable polymer materials. It has good cell compatibility, can be made into a three-dimensional structure similar to the human body, and has the porosity requirements for cell growth and Vascular mechanical properties requirements.

  • A variety of material options to provide different degradation rates, mechanical strength, and toughness on demand;
  • Has adjustable porosity and pore size for easy cell growth;
  • Customizable multi-layer gradient structure, biomimetic natural vascular tissue;
    Adjustable surface charge on the inner and outer walls of the stent to optimize the physical and chemical properties of the material;
    Controllable micro-nano structure orientation to promote cell directional growth;
  • It can load a variety of growth factors, chemical drugs, and electroactive components to simulate the microenvironment of cell growth.

Neural tissue engineering

This product is a scaffold material for nerve tissue engineering prepared from biodegradable polymer materials. It has a specific three-dimensional structure, a certain mechanical strength to meet the role of support or adhesive connection, and is degradable after nerve tissue repair. It can stimulate the recognition of damaged nerves to the environment by using its own structure or by loading growth factors and other biological and chemical signals, helping nerve cells to attach and promoting their directional growth, thereby causing a reasonable response of tissues and cells. It can accept the ingrowth of regenerated axons and mechanically guide the axons. It has the advantages of strong safety, controllable performance, and no need for disinfection before use; customers can also specify raw materials from suppliers or new materials synthesized by their own innovations, which will be prepared by us.

Tubular stent

The porosity of the scaffold can reach 85%-90%, which can meet the requirements of cell growth; It has a large specific surface area, which is conducive to the adhesion and growth of cells.

  • Capable of loading growth factors to induce cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation; · Controllable mechanical properties, thickness, and structure of scaffolds;
  • The mechanical properties and biocompatibility of the whole artificial blood vessel are obviously better than those of PTFE blood vessels; · Number of layers: single/double/three optional;
  • Various preparation methods: single material electrospinning, blended electrospinning, coaxial co-spinning, etc.

Porous tissue scaffolds

This product is a porous tissue engineering scaffold material made of common natural and synthetic biological materials. It has the advantages of high porosity and interconnected three-dimensional structure, moderate pore size, and sufficient mechanical properties. It can be used for cell growth, nutrient exchange, and other advantages. It provides enough space for the circulation of metabolites and is used in cell culture, tissue engineering, and other fields.

Cell culture: The scaffold has a multi-level pore structure, and the pore size is adjustable, which can be used for different cell growth;

Tissue engineering: Porous structure can provide enough physical space to facilitate the attachment and proliferation of tissue cells, and the material strength can be adjusted to adapt to different mechanical requirements of tissue engineering

Matexcel provides customized services for the above tissue engineering scaffolds. If you have a need for a custom tissue scaffold, feel free to contact us and we will provide you with a personalized custom solution.

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