Under different temperature environments, the performance of materials varies. Matexcel can provide customers with professional temperature testing services.

The services we provide are as follows:

• Low temperature test:
The purpose of the test is to check whether the samples can be stored, manipulated and controlled in a long-term low-temperature environment, and to determine the adaptability and durability of military and civilian equipment for storage and work under low-temperature conditions.

• High temperature test:
In order to investigate the effect of high temperature load on the sample, determine the adaptability of the sample to work under high temperature.

• Rapid temperature change test:
This test is applicable to components, equipment or other products. Simulate the changes with temperature during live working for the product, such as rapidly changing the ambient temperature when the system/component is working. The additional short-term temperature peak during the high-temperature phase should ensure the basic function of the product during this period.

• High and low temperature impact test:
The purpose of the high and low temperature impact test is to examine the resistance and adaptability of the tested sample when it is suddenly subjected to severe temperature changes. High and low temperature impact test is mainly used to investigate the failure caused by shear and fatigue damage.

• Temperature and humidity test:
The experiment used ultraviolet fluorescent lamps to simulate sunlight, and condensation or spraying to simulate the effects of moisture. It is used to evaluate the changes of materials in terms of color changes, gloss, cracks, oxidation, etc.

• Low temperature storage life test:
In order to assess the effect of low temperature on the sample, determine the adaptability of the sample under low temperature storage.

• High temperature storage life test:
In order to assess the influence of high temperature on the sample, determine the adaptability of the sample under high temperature storage.

Matexcel can test your samples under different temperature conditions to explore the performance of your samples under different temperature environments. We may also customize the test plan specific to you according to your requirements.

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For Research or Industrial Raw Materials, Not For Personal Medical Use!
2020-6-17 19:06:49 2024-8-12 08:19:57
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