The structure of the material and the distribution of electronic density of states determine the basic properties of the material. Measuring the structure and electronic density of states distribution of materials is the basic requirement for studying material properties, applications, as well as for modification and new material design. For a long time, people's exploration of materials' microscopic spatial structure and electronic state structure information mainly uses diffraction and electron and photon excitation phenomena when microscopic particles interact with materials. Such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, etc. These methods have achieved great success in the analysis of known and unknown materials, and have become an important means of material characterization. But they usually reflect the macroscopic and periodic information of the material, and lack the surface microstructure or even the density of states measurement capability of single molecules. The invention of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) fundamentally solved this problem.

The principle of STM is based on the quantum tunneling effect, which uses the ultra-fine tip of the atomic line and the surface of the substance to be studied as two electrodes. The piezoelectric ceramic material is used to control the probe scanning on the sample surface, the changes of the tunnel current are recorded and the signal is input into the computer for processing, and the high-resolution information of the sample surface is obtained on the recorder. 

Scanning tunneling microscopy technology has an atomic-level spatial resolution. It can obtain three-dimensional images of the surface in space in real-time, and can directly observe local surface defects, surface reconstruction, etc. It can work in different environments such as vacuum, atmosphere, solution, and low temperature, high temperature, and normal temperature, which is very conducive to the study of dynamic processes such as surface reaction and diffusion. The whole test process does not require special sample preparation technology and the detection process does not damage the sample, which is very suitable for the research of biological samples under different experimental conditions on the surface of the sample.

The main application areas of STM technology are as follows:

1. Surface, sub-surface atomic structure and morphology analysis
2. Atomic and molecular manipulation
3. Nanostructure processing
4. Performance measurement of nano-material unit.

Matexcel can provide you with STM testing services, We may also customize the test plan specific to you according to your requirements. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help in your research.

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