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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number MoS-016
Product Name SSZ-13 Molecular Sieve
Description SSZ-13 has good thermal stability and can be used as a carrier for adsorbents or catalysts, such as air purifiers, automobile exhaust catalysts, etc. At the same time, SSZ-13 also has cation exchange and acidity tunability, so it has good catalytic performance for various reaction processes, such as methanol to light olefins (MTO), olefin and aromatic hydrocarbon structure reaction, and catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon compounds. and hydrocracking.
Product overview Particle size: <12 microns
Specific surface area: >500m2/g
Si/Al ratio (SiO2/Al2O3): 19~21
CuO content: 3~3.3%
Morphology & Appearance White Powder
images MoS-016, 1
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