Welcome to our cutting-edge platform dedicated to informing and facilitating a revolutionary shift in the cosmetics and cosmetic equipment industry. We recognize the critical importance of ensuring the safety and effectiveness of cosmetic products while upholding the highest ethical standards. Ethical concerns have led to a growing movement to minimize and eventually eliminate animal testing on cosmetics and cosmetic equipment. In alignment with evolving ethical and scientific standards, we offer a range of alternative testing services designed to reduce or replace animal testing while maintaining the highest levels of safety and accuracy.

Our innovative in vitro cell testing services utilize advanced techniques like cell-based assays and tissue cultures to simulate human skin and eye reactions. These tests provide vital biosafety and toxicity data without the need for animal testing. Our capabilities include Cytotoxicity Assays, ROS detection, LDH assay, and cell cycle analysis, offering comprehensive insights into potential health and safety concerns. Experience the future of skin irritation and corrosion testing with our online service, which harnesses the power of Reconstructed Human Epidermis Models (RHE). These models replicate the outermost layer of human skin, allowing us to accurately evaluate the potential effects of skin irritation and corrosion without resorting to animal testing.

Skin Irritation Test

Why Choose Our Cosmetic Skin Irritation Test Service?

  1. RHE Models Mimicking Human Skin: Leverage RHE models that closely replicate the outermost layer of human skin.
  2. Comprehensive Testing Capabilities: Assess skin irritation, corrosion, and sensitization potential of substances.
  3. OECD Test Guideline Compliance: Our protocols adhere to OECD Test Guideline 439 for accurate and standardized testing.

Join us in redefining cosmetic product testing. Contact us to get started on your journey towards a brighter, more ethical future for the cosmetics industry.

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