In recent years, self-assembly of block copolymer thin films have become one of the most promising options in large scale nanolithography fabrication. The block copolymers constitute a fascinating set of self-assembled materials exhibiting compositional heterogeneities on the nanometer length scale. Selectively removal of one component of self-assembled block copolymer results in nanoporous templates. For example, on PS-b-PMMA thin films, crosslinking the PS and degrading the PMMA will together give the porous templates. Here the feature size and shape are determined by the component ratio and molecular weight of block copolymer. Our scientists at Matexcel fabricate a variety of nanoporous block copolymer templates which can find promising applications in different research area.

Nanoporous block copolymer films. Reprinted from Wang, H. Langmuir 2016.

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