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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number CER-216
Product Name Self-setting calcium phosphate cement (CPC)
Description The main composition of CPC is amorphous HAP. CPC has excellent biocompatibility. It can be easily absorbed in vivo. Degradation is equal to the formation of new bone.
Its main properties are as follows:
(1) Easy shaping and handling;
(2) Self-setting with little exothermal effects;
(3) Biodegradability—suitable for bone replacement
(4) Excellent biocompatibility and osteoconductivit
(5) Relatively high compressive strength (≥35MPa)
(6) No disturbance to CT and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
CPC can also be used as a carrier for various drugs (anti-tumor, anbiotics, etc.), which can release in situ with the controlled rate.
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