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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number MoS-030
Product Name SBA-15 Molecular Sieve
Description SBA-15 mesoporous molecular sieve has larger pore size, thicker pore wall and higher pore volume, and has better hydrothermal stability, which is beneficial to its application in reactions with high temperature and water in the system Therefore, it has a wide range of application prospects in the fields of catalysis, separation, biology and nanomaterials. It can be used in redox, acid-base, polymerization, photocatalytic reaction, esterification reaction, Fischer-Tropsch reaction, chiral synthesis catalyst, adsorption separation and enzyme immobilization, and as a template agent to synthesize nanowires and other nanofunctional materials .
Product overview Specific surface area (m²/g): 600~800
Pore size (nm): 6~11
Morphology & Appearance Powder
images MoS-030, 1
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