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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number MoS-022
Product Name SAPO-11 Molecular Sieve
Description SAPO-11 molecular sieve has AEL structure, belongs to orthorhombic system, and the space group is Ima2. Its skeleton is mainly formed by A1O2-, PO2+, SiO2 tetrahedron intertwined with each other, and has an elliptical ten-membered ring one-dimensional straight channel.
Due to its weak acidity and suitable pore size, SAPO-11 has high activity and selectivity in reactions such as n-butene isomerization and long-chain n-paraffin hydroisomerization. It is used in catalytic cracking to improve gasoline octane number. It has laid a foundation for the application in petroleum refining and petrochemical processes such as hydrodewaxing and pour point reduction of lubricating oil.
Product overview Pore size (nm): 0.44~0.67
Si/Al ratio (SiO2/P2O5/Al2O3), mol/mol: 0.4-0.8
Phosphorus-aluminum ratio (SiO2/P2O5/Al2O3), mol/mol: 0.7~1.0
BET specific surface area (m2/g): ≥180
Relative crystallinity (%): ≥90
Residual sodium (%) (chemical method): ≤0.1
Ignition reduction (%) (1000 degrees 1h): ≤10
D0.5um: 2~5
Morphology & Appearance Powder
images MoS-022, 1
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