Surface engineering is important because an engineering application usually fails when its surface cannot meet the specific requirements. Surface coating with proper thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical properties is crucial to its functionality. Thin film coating deposition has been widely applied in surface engineering research, both in academia and industry. The coated thin layer (nano to micron scale) of materials can be metal, metal oxides and polymer. For example, chrome coatings are used extensively for imparting wear and erosion resistance to components in both industrial and military applications. At Matexcel, we are capable of developing and optimizing custom coating solutions by utilizing different well-developed technologies, such as physical vapor deposition(PVD), chemical vapor deposition(CVD), spin coating, plasma spray and thermal spay.

In contrast to chemical surface modification methods, physical approaches are generally simpler, gentler, and less likely to affect underlying bulk material properties. For example, PVD/CVD and spin coating have been widely employed for the highly reproducible fabrication of thin film coatings over large areas with high structural uniformity, especially in microfabrication research area. At Matexcel, we provide a wide range selection of material coatings on flat substrate by different fabrication strategies.

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