Package testing is a crucial part in industrial packaging business. Product packages must be durable and resistant to the tough challenges under various transportation conditions, while staying safe and convenient for end users. Package testing encompasses a broad range of tests designed to verify the performance of product packages. It involves the measurement of a characteristic or property of packaging materials, packaging components, primary packages, shipping containers, etc.

Package testing can be done at different stages during the production cycle: prior to new product launch, at packaging redesigning, or when the customer requests to test. The best solution is always to complete package testing as soon as possible. Common testing practice involves simulating real-world conditions that a package might experience during its journey through the supply chain. Matexcel’s package testing items include climatic condition (such as extreme temperatures, temperature variations), compression, rotary vibration, random vibration, incline impact ramp, mechanical shock, and free fall drop, reduced pressure or vacuum. Packaging must be able to withstand a series of tests while maintain the integrity and performance of the product. To determine which tests are appropriate for your package system, a combination of factors need to be considered, including regulatory requirements, applicable standard(s) or test procedures, transport mode, type of product in the container, dimension of the container, and the container composition.

At Matexcel, we perform testing on package parts from a broad range of industries: food, chemical, transportation, agriculture, power, medical, airspace, military, and electronics. When customers need package testing, we first take the proactive step and start with understanding the problems, determining which tests are appropriate and finding appropriate test items for your package system. We can also create a series of shipping environments for testing, verify the testing strategy, ensure proper testing methods, and help you solve all the packaging problems you are facing.

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