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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number BINK-019
Product Name Methacryl Elastin (ElaMA)
Product overview 1. The raw material elastin was extracted and isolated from porcine.
2. This product can be used in conjunction with photoinitiators to cross-link and cure under the action of blue light or ultraviolet light.
3. The higher the concentration of this product, the greater the elastic modulus after curing.
4. This product can be loaded with cells for 3D printing.
5. This product can be mixed with other photosensitive biological materials (such as HAMA, CSMA, etc.)
Morphology & Appearance White Powder
Storage Dark, Dry, -20 to 4 ℃
Usage 1. This product can use deionized water to dissolve. The recommended concentration of this product is 10-20%. Dissolve at 4 centigrade. Avoid prolonged storage at room temperature. The solution can be filtered and sterilized through a 0.22um filter.
2. When using this solution, avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
3. This product is used in combination with LAP, and can be cross-linked and cured under the visible light spectrum of 365-405 nm.
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