Based on the definition endorsed by the Commission of the European Union in 2011, a nano-object with any of its dimension in the range of 1-100nm belongs to nanoparticle. Matexcel is capable of synthesizing nanomaterials with different dimension, shape and size that can provide unique properties.


A nanoparticle can be either a zero dimensional where its length, breadth and height is fixed at a single point, one dimensional where it has a variable length, conserving two dimensions (height and width) in the nanometer regime, two dimensional where it can possess length and breadth for example thin nanolayers with areas of undefined size and a thickness between 1 and 100 nm, or three dimensional where it has all the parameters such as length, breadth and height. Nanorods or nanowires are one dimensional nanostructures considered as functional components in electronics and optoelectronics.


Due to a relatively larger surface area to the volume ratio, the nanoparticles exhibit unique physical, chemical and biological properties Compared to larger particles, nanoparticles possess greater surface area to volume ration, which has granted them unique physical, chemical and biological properties: increased reactivity or stability in a chemical or biological reaction, enhanced mechanical strength, etc. The nanoparticles are of different dimensions, shapes, sizes and materials.


The synthesis of such nanostructures with embedded quantum structures can enable new electrical or optical properties due to the formation of quantum-confined states. Amorphous carbon nanowires, which can be fabricated by using a pyrolyzed process with polymer nanostructures, have been used to penetrate diseased cells and delivery therapeutic drugs. Recently the optical response of ring-shaped gold nanoparticles was investigated. Compared to solid gold particles of similar size, nanorings exhibit a redshifted localized surface plasmon that can be tuned over an extended wavelength range by varying the ratio of the ring thickness to radius.

Representation of the top-down and bottom up synthesis process of metal nanoparticles (MNPs).

Synthesis Process

In the past decade, numerous synthetic methods and strategies have been developed in the hope of achieving increased efficiency and substantial cost savings. Some are focused on the assembly of structurally diverse nanoparticles, while others aim to introduce novel optical, mechanical, physical and chemical properties. The synthesis strategies can be generally classified as "top-down" and "bottom-up" approaches. Matexcel could provide both approaches for our customer to synthesis the nanoparticle they needed.

At Matexcel, we understand the critical role that high-quality nanoparticles play in your projects. That's why we offer a comprehensive nanoparticle synthesis service designed to provide you with precisely engineered nanomaterials.

Key Features of Our Service:

  • Custom Synthesis:

We offer bespoke synthesis services to produce nanoparticles with your desired specifications, including size, shape, composition, and surface functionality.

  • Advanced Techniques:

Our state-of-the-art facilities utilize the latest techniques in nanoparticle production, including chemical vapor deposition, sol-gel processing, and laser ablation, ensuring precision and consistency.

  • Quality Assurance:

Rigorous quality control measures are in place to ensure the purity, stability, and reproducibility of the nanoparticles we synthesize. Our in-house testing capabilities include electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and spectroscopic analysis.

  • Scalability:

Whether you need small-scale batches for research or large-scale production for industrial applications, our scalable processes can accommodate your requirements efficiently and cost-effectively.

  • Expert Support:

Our team of scientists and engineers provides expert consultation and technical support throughout your project, from the initial design phase to final delivery.

Partner with Matexcel and experience the difference that precision-engineered nanoparticles can make in your projects. Contact us today to discuss your requirements, request a quote, or arrange for a consultation with our experts.

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