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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number NAT-4006
Product Name Nanocellulose for Coatings
Description The nanocellulose functional additives for coatings have crystalline regions and amorphous regions along the length of the cellulose molecular chain, which exist in a staggered combination, and the density of the crystalline regions is relatively high. The three-dimensional hydrogen bond network structure formed by cellulose intermolecular and intramolecular with natural hydrophobic properties. It has high strength, can improve its water resistance and water washing times, and also has good rheological properties.
Product overview Fiber diameter≤100nm
Aspect ratio≥300
Concentration: 3.5%-4%
Morphology & Appearance Milky white hydrogel
Storage Store at room temperature
Application Architectural coatings, water-based anti-corrosion coatings, etc.
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