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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number NEFA-0006
Product Name Microencapsulated Grass-Fed Butter Powder, 70%
Description Microencapsulation can effectively protect the oil, reduce the oxidative rancidity during the storage process, and greatly provide the convenience of the oil. Powdered oils have been used as seasonings in the production of biscuits and breads, as well as ingredients for instant desserts, ice cream and seasoning powders. For highly unsaturated fatty acids, microencapsulation can effectively reduce the possibility of oxidative deterioration. At the same time, for fishy or odorous oils, microencapsulation can also mask odors.
Product overview Grass-fed butter is a good source of vitamin A and the antioxidant beta carotene. It also has a higher proportion of healthy, unsaturated fats and CLA than regular butter. It provides vitamin K2, a form of vitamin K that plays an important role in your bone and heart health.
Morphology & Appearance White to off-white free-flowing powder
Storage Store at room temperature
Application Hard capsules, gummies, beverages, energy bars, and pet food
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