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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number MoS-027
Product Name MCM-22 Molecular Sieve
Description MCM-22 is a lamellar crystal with unique pore structure and acid catalytic properties. It has good hydrothermal stability, strong adsorption capacity and large specific surface area. Catalysis has a wide range of applications. At present, it is mainly used in three aspects: the production of alkyl aromatic compounds, environmental protection and gasoline upgrading.
Product overview Pore size (nm): 0.55-1.0
Si-Al ratio SiO/Al2O3: 30
BET specific surface area (m2/g): 550-800
Relative crystallinity (%): ≥95
Residual sodium (%): ≤0.1
Burn reduction (%): ≤5
Pore volume (cm3/g): 0.15~0.50
Morphology & Appearance Powder
images MoS-027, 1
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