Polymers can be classified by their chain structures. For example, in branched polymers, the monomers are connected to form long chains with side groups or branches in different lengths, whereas linear polymers are formed in a chained structure and thus more homogenous. The degree of branching as well as the length of branches strongly influence the polymer’s chemical and physical properties, i.e., density, crystallinity, glass transition temperature and mechanical strength. The cross-linked polymers are polymeric chains that are covalently bound together. The crosslinking can be achieved either synthetically or photochemically, leading to different characteristics depends on the application. For example, hydrogel, the cross-linked network has played a key role in immune and tissue engineering studies. Another example is that when natural rubber is vulcanized, it becomes more robust and exhibits better thermal stability. In recent years the polymeric nanocapsules have shown promise as active vectors due to their capacity to release drugs. They can be prepared by both polymerization methods, or synthesized by preformed polymers, with final size usually ranging from 100 to 500 nm. Besides regular polymer, ionomers are polymeric molecules that consist of either neutral (polyzwitterions) or charged groups (polyelectrolytes). Polyelectrolyte complexes are an attractive alternative to conventional peptide/protein carrier systems as they can be formulated under benign conditions that minimize the chances of peptide denaturation. Matexcel supplies a large selection of functional polymer products to suit the diverse needs of its customers. Featured products include but are not limited to:
Branched polymer
Cross-linked polymer
Polymer nanocapsule
Deuterated polymer

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