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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number NAT-0089
Product Name Dendritic Polyamidoamine
Description Dendritic Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) is attractive to the scientific world and industrial circles. The novelty of PAMAM material includes highly branched molecular structure, a large number of surface functional groups, void space in molecules, monodisperse molecular weight distribution and nanoscale dimensions. The structural characteristics of PAMAM lead to unique properties such as excellent solubility and dispersion properties, low melt viscosity and solution viscosity, difficult to crystallize and easy to form film, showing unparalleled nano features.
Product overview 1,Surface Groups:-NH2,-OH,-COOCH3,-COOH,-COONa,and other special surface groups;
2,Generation:G1.0~G8.0,and other specific generations;
3,Theoretical Mw:100~1,000,000;
4,Appearance:Viscous liquid or solid.
Morphology & Appearance White powder
Purity >98%
CAS Number 9012-76-4
Storage Store at room temperature
Application Biomedical (diagnostic kit); nano materials
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