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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number NEPP-JH009
Product Name Deep-sea Cod Skin Collagen Peptide
Description Collagen peptide is a biologically active product obtained by the disintegration of the molecular chain of collagen under certain external conditions.Compared with collagen, collagen peptides have a smaller molecular weight and are easier to absorb by the human body.
Product overview Deep-sea fish collagen peptide is a small molecule peptide made from the skin of selected deep-sea cod and refined by advanced biological enzymatic hydrolysis technology. The deep-sea cod used is derived from the cold Alaskan deep sea.Compared with animals such as pigs, cattle, and chickens growing on land, as well as fish in offshore waters, the deep sea of Alaska is much less polluted, so the enrichment effect of harmful ingredients on deep-sea cod is correspondingly much smaller. Peptide Content >90%
Source Deep-sea cod Skin
Storage Store in a cool, dry and sealed place
Application Food Addition
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