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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number ANT-0011
Product Name Compound Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Antimicrobial Powder
Product overview Characteristic: 1. Broad spectrum sterilization capabilities: it could kill and inhabit the common pathogenic bacteria such as
e.coli, staphylococcus aureus and salmonella, and the antimicrobial rate is over 99%. 2. Health and safety: By skin and eyes
irritation testing on rabbit show no irritation. 3. Permanent and stable antimicrobial protection. 4. Do not contain formaldehyde and heavy metals, comply with EU RoHS regulations. 5. Excellent heat resistance: Melting temperature is over 1000 centigrade.
Heat resistance: >1000 centigrade
Recommended dosage: 1%-3%
Morphology & Appearance White powder
Particle Size ~0.2 μm
Application Ceramics, tiles, plastics, paints, papers etc.
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