Comparative analysis is a detailed analysis on existing products or services provided either by direct competitors or by related agencies or services. If you want to succeed in business, the key is to make sure you know how to conduct a competitive product analysis. A competitive product analysis will help you understand your position in the industry, identify opportunities, gaps in other services, and potential design patterns to adopt or avoid, and what you need to do to outperform your competitors. The applications of comparative analysis include material selection, evaluation and certification, contamination analysis, quality control, failure analysis, etc.

In comparative analysis, first we need to gather information regarding the companies or products you’re competing against. There are several things to determine: a list of competitors; the criteria you will use to evaluate selected competitor's products or services; the price of competitors’ products and services; the reason why makes consumers want to buy from them. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of the various implementations by the related competitors, those information will help you to understand the overall goals of other similar business. Through the analysis, which showcase areas of opportunities that you can take advantage of and design patterns you might adopt or avoid. However, doing a competitive analysis once is not enough. With new business coming out every day, you need to continuously performing competitive analysis to help you change your business strategies in time. By doing comparative analysis, It will help you to improve your reputation the industry and even help you to boost sales and production.

At Matexcel, our scientists use their expertise, applicable techniques and experience to provide a comprehensive range of services for comparative analysis. We aim to help you to recognize the gap with your competitors, learn the similar business in your industry and let you manage your business better. For more information, please contact us.

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