Ni-based Metal Powder
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Nickel alloys are heat-resistant alloys Nickel-based alloys contain Fe and Cr, are strong at high temperatures, are resistant to corrosion, and have higher creep strength compared with austenitic and F/M steels, which are used for jet engines and gas turbine blades.

Nickel-based alloys possess several properties which make them well suited for use in extremely severe conditions and environments. Nickel alloys are very resistant to oxidation and corrosion and when heated form a thick, stable, passivating oxide layer, protecting them from further attack. Nickel alloys also retain their strength over a wide range of temperatures. This makes them particularly attractive for use in high temperature applications. The high temperature strength is attained by solid solution strengthening or precipitation strengthening. Many of the properties that make nickel alloys desirable engineering materials are also largely responsible for the significant difficulty in machining them. The high strength and retention of high strength properties at elevated temperatures give rise to lower machinability of these metals. Also, nickel alloys, similar to austenitic stainless steels, work harden rapidly and during machining undergo a hardening effect produced by the pressures of the cutting operation. In addition, machined surfaces of nickel alloys tend to be gummy and adhesive in nature.

Nickel alloys are employable under extremely corrosive environments in power, chemical, and petrochemical industries. Moreover, nickel-based superalloys have excellent high temperature properties and are produced by alloying nickel with cobalt, chromium, aluminum, titanium, and other refractory elements. Directionally solidified superalloys gives rise to high strength at 1000 °C and are suitable for the hottest parts of power generating gas turbines in aircraft. Nickel alloys are corrosion resistive to aqueous solution of halides as in contrast with austenitic stainless steels which are known to be highly susceptible to pitting corrosion in chloride ions. The corrosion resistance conferred by nickel is due to its lower reactivity than iron or its alloys. A broad range of nickel alloys are commercially available.

Matexcel provides multi-functional Ni-based alloys, from fine powders to nanostructured forms. Welcome to contact us for more information.

CAT.NO. Product Name Particle Size Inquiry
MET-0029 Nickel-based Hastelloy X Powder 0-15μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
20-63μm Inquiry
45-150μm Inquiry
MET-0030 Nickel-based Hastelloy C Powder 0-15μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
20-63μm Inquiry
45-150μm Inquiry
MET-0031 Nickel-based Invar Powder 0-15μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
20-63μm Inquiry
45-150μm Inquiry
MET-0032 Nickel-based Kovar Powder 0-15μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
20-63μm Inquiry
45-150μm Inquiry
MET-0033 Nickel-based GH3533 Powder 0-45μm Inquiry
0-53μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
15-53μm Inquiry
45-105μm Inquiry
MET-0034 Nickel-based GH3536 Powder 0-45μm Inquiry
0-53μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
15-53μm Inquiry
45-105μm Inquiry
MET-0035 Nickel-based K403 Powder 0-45μm Inquiry
0-53μm Inquiry
15-45μm Inquiry
15-53μm Inquiry
45-150μm Inquiry
MET-0036 Nickel-based GH1131 Powder 45-105μm Inquiry
MET-0037 Nickel-based IN625 (GH3625) Powder 15-45μm Inquiry
15-53μm Inquiry
53-120μm Inquiry
53-150μm Inquiry
MET-0038 Nickel-based IN718 (GH4169) Powder 15-45μm Inquiry
15-53μm Inquiry
53-120μm Inquiry
53-150μm Inquiry
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