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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number NAT-0007
Product Name Bovine Collagen Type I, Achilles Tendon
Morphology & Appearance Lyophilized Powder
Purity >95%
Source Achilles tendon
Storage Store at 4˚C
Reconstitution Hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, and citric acid are all acceptable. For example, 0.01~0.5M HAc solution can be used to dissolve at the required concentration. The dissolution process can be vortexed to mix evenly, avoid high-speed homogenization, and avoid temperatures exceeding 30°C). In the case of acid dissolution, it is also recommended to leave it overnight to fully dissolve. The collagen has the best solubility at around pH 4.5. Neutral, alkaline, and high-concentration salt ions easily cause collagen to precipitate, and it cannot be compounded with anionic polymers.
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