Matexcel has been deeply involved in the field of biomass conversion for many years and has rich experience. Our services cover the entire process of biomass conversion, including the development of biomass raw materials, optimization of biomass pretreatment scheme, optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation steps, as well as final product purification and separation scheme, as well as various detection schemes throughout the entire process.

  • Thermochemical Conversion Processes

Our company specializes in several thermochemical biomass conversion technologies to produce thermal energy, power, or liquid fuels from various feedstocks. One such process is direct combustion, where biomass is directly burned in boilers or furnaces to generate steam. This is a mature technology appropriate for modest scales. Another option is gasification, a process where biomass is partially oxidized at high temperatures in a controlled low-oxygen environment to produce a syngas. This syngas can then be burned for heat and power applications or further processed using downstream technologies like Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to produce liquid transportation fuels. Our company has developed proprietary gasification technologies that offer high conversion efficiencies and product gas yields.

  • Biochemical Conversion Methods

Biomass can also be converted using biological or biochemical methods. Under anaerobic conditions, the microbial fermentation of biomass produces biogas rich in methane, a process known as anaerobic digestion. Our company handles the design, engineering and construction of large-scale biogas plants and offers operations support as well. Another biochemical pathway is to use enzymes or microbes to break down biomass and produce fermentable sugars, which can then be fermented to produce biofuels like ethanol. Recent research advances aim to develop more efficient consolidated bioprocessing techniques to directly produce fuels or electricity from lignocellulosic feedstocks.

  • Thermochemical Liquefaction Technologies

Our company has also achieved commercial success with proprietary biomass liquefaction technologies. One such process involves hydrothermal liquefaction, where biomass is submerged in hot water under high pressure and converted into bio-crude oil in a single step. This bio-crude can substitute for fuel oils. Another approach pursued is indirect liquefaction, which involves gasifying biomass to syngas and using downstream Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to produce drop-in biofuels identical to diesel and jet fuel. Pilot and demonstration scales of such plants have been built by our company to validate the technology and economics.

  • Integrated Hybrid Systems

Rather than relying on single conversion routes, our company embraces an integrated approach by combining multiple technology pathways. One example is using anaerobic digestion to produce biogas along with digestate, and further gasifying the digestate to produce syngas. The methane and syngas can then be utilized in engines or turbines for optimized power production. Our company also specializes in hybrid systems involving biomass coupled with complementary renewable sources like solar, wind or hydro, thus enabling stable base-load supply.

Matexcel offers comprehensive biomass energy solutions by leveraging the most suitable thermochemical and biochemical conversion processes and by taking an integrated hybrid approach. We aim to maximize the sustainable utilization of various biomass feedstocks to benefit communities through local development of renewable heat, power and transport fuels.

Our Services

By Process
Pretreatment plan establishment and optimization Establishment and optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis
Fermentation plan establishment and optimization Establish and optimize distillation or other separation
Separation and further processing of by-products
By Biomass Type
Herbal plant biomass
Switchgrass Sweet sorghum
Miscanthus Corn stover
Woody plant biomass
Populus spp. Salix spp.
Betula spp. Eucalyptus spp.
Pinus spp. Paulownia spp.
Quercus spp.
algae biomass
Microalgae Macroalgae
Cyanobacteria Marine phytoplankton
By detection method
Ingredient content analysis of biomass feedstock Particle density, moisture content detection, ash detection of biomass feedstock
Functional group analysis of biomass feedstock Crystallinity Analysis of biomass feedstock
Electron microscopy analysis of biomass feedstock Heavy metal element content detection of biomass feedstock
Thermogravimetric analysis of pretreatment fluid Total carbon content analysis of pretreatment fluid
Total nitrogen content analysis Analysis of organic acids and aromatic substances
Final product conversion rate determination

In addition, we provide full-process customized development services, including laboratory small-scale production, pilot scale scale-up, as well as related model development and customized testing.

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more details and quotation information of related services.

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