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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number CER-0127
Product Name Bioglass for Medical Dressing
Description Bioglass has good biocompatibility, and can exchange calcium, sodium, and phosphorus ions with human tissue fluid, resulting in an increase in the local pH value and reducing bacterial infection. At the same time, it has good biomechanical properties. Under the continuous interaction with connective tissue, BAG forms a hydroxycarbonated apatite framework, attracts fibroblasts and epithelial cells, and becomes a hotbed for new tissue growth. Therefore, BAG can reduce the inflammatory response in the early stage of trauma recovery, enable the rapid and orderly growth of new tissue in the middle stage, and inhibit the growth of granulation and reduce the generation of scar in the late stage.
Product overview This product is suitable for wound repair materials, such as repair gel, repair paste, etc.
Morphology & Appearance White Powder
Size <20um
Purity ≥98%
Storage Store at room Temperature
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