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Product Infomation  
Catalog Number NAT-QH005
Product Name Bacterial Cellulose, BC
Description Bacterial Cellulose is a fibrous nanomaterial with an ultra-high aspect ratio obtained by fermentation of Bacillus aceticus using sugar as raw material. The fiber diameter is 50~100nm, the length is greater than 20um, and the water absorption rate is about 200 times. It has high gel strength and good water retention performance, making it an ideal carrier material for cosmetics and medicines. At the same time, it has an ultra-long crystal structure, and its mechanical strength far exceeds that of ordinary plant fibers, making it an ideal reinforcement material.
Product overview Surface function group: -OH
Morphology & Appearance White viscous liquid
Size Diameter: 50-100nm
Length: >20µm
Storage Store at room temperature
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