3D bioprinting is a process of additive manufacturing using biological materials, living cells, and living biomolecules to create structures that mimic the characteristics of natural tissues. Bioprinting differs from 3D printing mainly in that living cells are added to a non-toxic hydrogel to mimic an extracellular matrix environment that supports cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation after printing.

The bioprinting process begins with 3D imaging to obtain precise dimensions of tissue. Similar to regular 3D printing, biological 3D printing also uses layer-by-layer instructions to create digital models that facilitate the fabrication of physical 3D objects. To optimize cell viability and ensure that the printing resolution is sufficient for even the distribution of cells, sterile printing conditions are required. Depending on the application, biomaterials that support cell growth, such as alginate, collagen, gelatin, or hyaluronic acid, are combined with living cells to form bio inks. The bio-ink is deposited by extrusion, inkjet, or laser 3D printing techniques using a highly controlled layer-by-layer approach. These 3D tissue structures are cured by UV light, chemical stimulation, or heat to obtain a stable growth environment.

Due to its high degree of controllability, 3D bioprinting has become a key research technology for drug testing and clinical trials, functional organ replacement, regenerative medicine, and other bioprinting applications in cosmetics and personal care. Researchers are actively developing new materials and printing methods for 3D printing in the medical field so that the properties of the printed structures can be tuned to better simulate the mechanical properties of skin, bone and cartilage, nerve, heart, muscle, and tooth tissue.

Matexcel offers a range of materials that can be used in 3D bioprinting to aid your scientific research. For more information, please click here.

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